Friday, February 22, 2008


WORD: Harbor


PRONUNCIATIONS: \’har-buhr\ or HAR-ber


(Dictionary)- To give shelter or refuge; to be the home or habitat of.

(SAT)- To provide shelter or refuge

(MY DEFINITION)- To give shelter to

SENTENCE: After a tremendous tragedy such as Hurricane Katrina, citizens from around the undestroyed area came to harbor the people left homeless.


EXPLANATION: Your family provides you of shelter physically and mentally


Word: Benign

P.O.S: Adjective


Dictionary’s: \bi-‘nin\

My Translation: bee-nahyn


Dictionary’s: Of a gentle disposition, showing kindness and gentleness

SAT: Gentle; Kind Hearted; Mild

My Translation: Having a gentle nature

Sentence: Every time Jessie would volunteer at the retirement home she noticed how the senior citizens were benign. They would make her cookies and give her compliments. It was a refreshing thing to do after school since during the day she was surrounded by people who use harsh words and kids who got in fights.




Dictionary - tan – t@ – maunt

Mine - tan – tuh – mount

Dictionary – equivalent in value, significance, or effect

SAT – equal; comparable

Mine – equal in all aspects such as value

Synonym – same, alike, equal


The two different times when my car and computer were taken away are tantamount. I was left without two things that are equal to me in value and that I cannot live without equally. My parents realize this and so the way they punish me is always tantamount to the how they did before.

Mnemonic –

The tantamount was the same

This works because the word “amount” is in the word tantamount and the amount of something that is tantamount is equal or the same in value. It will help you remember the definition that way.



Dictionary - pän – d@ – r@s

Mine – pawn – duh – ruhs

Dictionary – unwieldy or clumsy because of weight and size; very great weight

SAT – slow; weighty; labored

Mine – clumsy or hard to deal with because of great weight

Synonym – clumsy, awkward, burdensome


On Saturday Samantha went over to Amy’s house to help her move. She had decided that it would be a good time to ask her for some advice. She and Amy were carrying a big box that was ponderous do to the fact that the sides were ripping and it was filled to the brim with legos. Samantha looked at Amy and said, “I’m pregnant, what should I do?”

Amy stopped dead in her tracks and replied, “I don’t know, that’s too ponderous for me to decide on now. I’ll have to get back to you on it.”

Mnemonic – Pondering is ponderous

This works because usually if you have to think about, or ponder a weighty subject, then it is ponderous. It causes you to ponder it because it’s such a heavy thing on your mind. You can’t quite grasp the concept of it because of the weight that it has.


My kind of Symmetry
Exact correspondence of form and constituent configuration on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane or about a center or an axis.
-Correspondence in size, shape, and position of parts on opposite sides of a dividing line.
: Harmony Proportion
Mine- sim-eh-tree
Claudia’s face is very symmetrical. Her nose is located in the exact middle of her face and every mark she has on one side of her face, their exists an identical corresponding one on the other side.
Pope is Italian
When one thinks of Italians they think of mafia men
Most mafia’s were Sicilian based
Sicilian and Symmetry both start with S
Oh… and his hat is Symmetrical
This mnemonic uses a picture to help demonstrate symmetry. As the pope’s hat is symmetrical along a vertical axis. Also, the mnemonic works because pope is Italian, some Italians are Sicilians and both Sicilian and Symmetry start with s.


Don't undermine my speed, get out of my way.
Dictionaries-To weaken, injure, or impair
Sat-To Sabotage or weaken, someone’s efforts
Mine-To sabotage another’s efforts
Synonyms: Weaken or Countermine
Dictionaries- Un
Mine- Un-duhr-mine
Sentence Man jack was being a dick last night. Every time Taylor and Jenna started going at it Steve would totally cockblock him. I mean every single move Taylor tried to pull Steve undermined him. The first time, Steve noticed they were off in a corner alone, so he ran over their to destroy or mood. A couple minutes latter when Taylor and Jenna were sitting together on the couch he just popped a squat in between them. He was trying to sabotage their whole night.
Men contently undermine feminists because to them women are underfine.
This mnemonic comes from the sterotype that all men care about are looks. The idea being that men would undermine the efforts of feminists because to men as long as what is under the cloths is good their fine. These two words also go together because they both rhyme and start with under. Plus, the more adult theme makes it stick in peoples minds.


Wax Dat Ass Eat More Burgers



(dic.) ‘waks

(mine) waks’

(SAT) to grow gradually larger

(dic.) to increase growth

(mine) to gradually increase growth

Wax to the Max

To get to the maximum of anything you usually start at the minimum and gradually increase into the maximum. So you are waxing the minimum to the maximum which is what this mnemonic implies.

Word Essence

I first preheated the oven to 350 F, for this is the temperature at which cookies bake. Then I placed 1 in. balls of dough on a cookie sheet while waiting for the beep which would tell me the oven was pre-heated. After placing the cookies in the oven I shut the door, pulled up a chair, and sat admiring the cookies as they waxed in the heat. As the dough spread across the sheet my excitement waxed for the delicious treat until finally I heard another beep, which told my not of the oven’s temperature, but instead of the completion on my scrumptious dessert for you today.


When you get a new hammer, the world looks a little more malleable.



Pronunciation: mal-ee-uh-buhl


Mine: Mal-ee-uh-b@l

Definition: SAT: Easily shaped, adaptable

Dictionary’s: capable of being extended or shaped by beating

Mine: Able to be shaped by hammering or beating, adaptable

Synonyms: Adaptable, changeable

Sentence: Iron is hard and inflexible but if heated enough it becomes malleable and with a good hammering you can make it into just about anything.

Mnemonic: With a good mallet anything is malleable

If you have a big enough hammer you could pretty much shape any sort of thing with a good enough whack. Also mallet and malleable sound pretty similar.


Languish is like WOW!

Languish is similar to World of Warcraft because members of the world (of warcraft) lose energy and motivation to pursue things that actually matter.... like life. Members of the world (of warcraft) also lack the motivation to exercise and may become weak, which can lead to depression because all they have in their life is a level 70 paladin.

Word: Languish

Part of Speech: Verb


Dictionary's: 'lan-gwish

Mine: LANG-gwish


SAT Book's: To lose energy or motivation; to become weak or depressed

Dictionary's: To lose or lack vitality; to grow weak or feeble

Yeah I'm going to take a nap for sure

Mine: To be weak; to lack energy or motivation

Synonym: Weaken, deteriorate

Mmmm... Brownies sound really good right now


Don't languish or.... screw it

If you languish you will probably lose interest and motivation to continue and be liable to just say "screw it!"

Word Essence

All throughout the presentation I have been adding remarks about how tired I am and you can picture someone languishing away as they chow down on a batch of brownies.


Word: Juncture

POS: Noun

SAT: point in time, especially a crucial one; joint or connection.

Dictionary: joint, connection; the manner of transition or mode of relationship between two consecutive sounds of speech.

My translation: a point in time that is considered to be very important or crucial.

Synonym: point, joint, emergency.

Pronunciation: ˈjəŋ(k)-chər

My version: juhnk-chuhr

Sentence: After 85 years of a strong marriage, Anne-Marie, sitting at her husbands funeral, was remembering the life they shared, and the most memorable juncture she had with her husband; the day he asked her to marry him was, still, 85 years later, the greatest day of her life.

Mnemonic: Junction Juncture.

I chose this mnemonic because both words rhyme and juncture means an important moment in time and junction is a place or point of meeting, so junction juncture would be a place or point of meeting that is very important.

Word essence: since our word essence had to involve dessert, I decided to bring in brownies.

My word juncture will be expressed in this word essence in that when the students receive their brownies, it will be a juncture because a juncture is a crucial point in time, and I don’t know of one person on earth who does not like brownies. And knowing that they will be receiving, fresh, chocolate brownies, at no cost to them, will be a juncture because everyone loves brownies and getting to enjoy the flavor will be a very important moment in time.


Word: Desultory

POS: Adjective

SAT Definition: lacking a plan; aimless.

Dictionary: marked by lack of definite plan, regularity, or purpose.

My Translation: having no set plan or purpose

Pronunciation: ˈde-səl-ˌtȯr-ē

My Version: deh-suhl-tore-“E”

Synonyms: random, discursive.

Mnemonic: Desultory is to failure as Tiger Woods is to golf.

-I chose this mnemonic because if you have no plan for what you are going to do, or how you are going to do it, you will more than likely fail. And when someone hears the name “Tiger Woods,” they automatically think of golf. Hence, desultory is to failure as Tiger Woods is to golf.


Pecuniary Vehicle: over $1,000,000 inside

WORD: Pecuniary



DICTIONARY: pi - ‘kyu - Your browser may not support display of this – er – i

MINE: pih – kyoo – nee – air - e




    1. Of or pertaining to money

    2. Consisting of or given or exacted in money or monetary payments

    3. (Of a crime, violation, etc.) involving a money penalty or fine.

MINE: Involving money

SYNOYMS: Financial, Economic


When we play poker we play in a pecuniary manner because we bet real money. The involvement of money causes us to play more fairly and not just bet on any hand we get. Many people play online poker for real money as well.


The pecuniary payment was paid

This works because payments involve money and the pecuniary payment implies that it involves money. Also, the repetition of p sounds makes it easier to remember.

Thursday, February 14, 2008




Dictionary - tan – t@ – maunt

Mine - tan – tuh – mount

Dictionary – equivalent in value, significance, or effect

SAT – equal; comparable

Mine – equal in all aspects such as value

Synonym – same, alike, equal

Mnemonic –The tantamount was the same

This works because the word “amount” is in the word tantamount and the amount of something that is tantamount is equal or the same in value. It will help you remember the definition that way.


P.O.S. – noun

Pronunciations - Dictionary: ZE-n@th

Mine: ZE-nuhth

Definitions – Dictionary’s: the culminating point

Mine: the highest point reached by something

Synonyms – peak, high point

Sentence – The skier charged over the jump, with his tremendous speed carrying him higher an higher until he reached his zenith and started coming back down to the snow.

Mnemonic - Towelie loves to reach a zenith.

Towelie from South Park is always getting as high as possible – or getting to a zenith, one might say.

Monday, February 4, 2008




Dictionary - pän – d@ – r @s

Mine – pawn – duh – ruhs


Dictionary – unwieldy or clumsy because of weight and size; very great weight
SAT – slow; weighty; labored
Mine – clumsy or hard to deal with because of great weight

Synonym – clumsy, awkward, burdensome

Mnemonic – Pondering is ponderous

This works because usually if you have to think about, or ponder a weighty subject then it is ponderous. It causes you to ponder it because it’s such a big thing on your mind. You can’t quite grasp the concept of it or the significance of it so you think about it a lot.



P.O.S – Adjective

Pronunciations – Dictionary’s: VA-ky@-w@s

Mine: VA-kyuh-wuhss

Definitions – SAT – empty; stupid; purposeless

Dictionary’s: emptied of or lacking content; Stupid

Mine: empty;dumb.

Sentence: Everyone knows Kathleen’s knowledge of calculus is extremely vacuous because of her constant struggling in the class. Some people also might say she is just a little vacuous by nature.

Synonyms: vacant, air-headed

Mnemonic: Homer Simpson and his Donuts = Vacuous

Homer Simpson is a stupid person, plus he loves donuts, which have holes in them, showing both meanings of the word.


WORD: Hamper




MINE: HAM - purr


    SAT: To interfere with movement or progress


    1. To hold back; hinder; impede.

2. To interfere with;curtail.

MINE: To interfere with

SYNOYMS: Obstruct, Trammel, Clog


When I blocked the field goal from going through the uprights, I hampered the football. I interfered with the movement of the ball towards its goal.


D:A:M:P:E:R has been hampered by colons.

The word damper is being hampered or interfered with by colons because they are intruding on the spelling of the word. I know it’s a little far fetched but you get it, right?


During my presentation my table will be throwing candy at me and the overhead, thus interfering with or hampering the presentation of my vocabulary word.


adjective, or noun

Dictionary’s: nä-’stal-jik nä-’stal-j@
Sat’s: nuh-STAL-JIK
MINE: nuh-STAL-jick nuh-STAL-juh

Dictionary: 1.) a wistful or excessively sentimental yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition.
2.) the state of being homesick

SAT: Wishing for a return to the way things used to be
Mine: Wanting to go back to a more comfortable place, or
period in time.

Synonyms: Homesick, evocative, regretful, throwback, retro


Word: Gravity

P.O.S.: Noun

Pronunciation – SAT: gra-vuh-tee

Dictionary: grav-i-tee

Mine: grav-uh-tea

Definition – SAT: serious or crucial nature

Dictionary: a serious situation or problem

Mine: something that is serious

Synonym(s): graveness

Sentence: A few weeks ago, a crazy student at this school attacked another student with a pair of scissors. The victim suffered many wounds but is ok and the suspect was arrested. Many people say that the incident was gravity.

Mnemonic: Grave Gravity.

This mnemonic means that something serious can become grave. Such as skydiving without a parachute. That’s a serious problem and you will die if you do that.



SAT: To decrease in size
DICTIONARY: to decrease in strength, intensity, etc
Mine: To decrease in general.
Synonym: Diminish
Sentence: As his interest in maintaining his grades in English class waned, he put less and less effort into his vocabulary word sentences.
Mnemonic: If you go insane your sanity wanes.
This may make sense, because “insane” and “wane” rhyme, and I do believe your sanity would decrease if you were insane.