# | S.A.T. WORD | Definition |
1 | ACCLAIM (N & V) | To praise loudly (verb), or applause (noun) |
2 | BANAL | Repeated, overused |
3 | CACOPHONY | Lots of awful noise, sounds terrible |
4 | DEPLORE | to disaprove of strongly |
5 | ECCENTRIC | Over the top, silly |
6 | FASTIDIOUS | giving careful attention to detail; |
7 | GARISH | Flashy; gaudy |
8 | HACKNEYED | Unoriginal, been done before |
9 | IMBUE | To heavily influence |
10 | JUDICIOUS | good sense or judgment |
11 | KINDLE | to start a fire/ ignite/ arouse |
12 | LACONIC | Brief and to the point |
13 | MAGNANIMOUS | Big hearted, generous in spirit |
14 | NEOPHYTE | Newcomer, someone new, |
15 | OBSEQUIOUS | Attempts to win favor by flattery |
16 | PALTRY | Poor quality, |
17 | QUELL | suppress or crush completely |
18 | RAMPANT | unrestrained or unchecked |
19 | SERVILE | Like a slave or servant |
20 | TACITURN | silent, prone to silence |
21 | UBIQUITOUS | being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time |
22 | VACILLATE | To go back and forth |
23 | WAIVE | To give up what is rightfully yours |
24 | XENOPHOBIA | Fear of Exotic or foreign things |
25 | YOKE | A connection |
26 | ZEALOT | A person devoted or passionate about something |
27 | ACQUIESCE | to agree or express agreement; |
28 | BEGUILE | To lead by deception; to trick using girlish charms |
29 | CAJOLE | influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering |
30 | DEPLORABLE* | Bad or Unfortunate |
Vocab list 2
# | S.A.T. WORD | Definition |
1 | ADMONISH | Telling off, wagging finger to embarrass someone or to insult them |
2 | COMPREHENSIVE | including all or everything, broad in scope |
3 | CONCILIATORY | intended or likely to overcome animosity or hostility |
4 | DEBILITATE | To make weak, |
5 | DIMINUTION | A decrease, the act of decreasing or reducing something |
6 | ELUSIVE | Difficult to grasp, evasive |
7 | ENGENDER | Procreate, make children |
8 | FACILITATE | make easier, |
9 | FRIVOLOUS | not serious in content or attitude or behavior, silly |
10 | GRATUITOUS | costing nothing, given unearned or without recompense |
11 | HAUGHTY | Stuck up, |
12 | HYPOTHETICAL | possibility, circumstantial |
13 | IMPUGN | Publicly attack as false or wrong |
14 | IMPUNITY | Unavailability to punishment/ not able to be punished/ freedom |
15 | INCONTROVERTIBLE | impossible to deny or disprove |
16 | INDEFATIGABLE | Endurance, untiring. |
17 | INSIDIOUS | intended to entrap, evil |
18 | METHODICAL | deliberate and regular |
19 | MODICUM | a small amount |
20 | NASCENT | being born or beginning |
21 | NEBULOUS | unclear or vague |
22 | OBJECTIVE (ADJ) | without bias |
23 | OBTRUSIVE | sticking out; protruding |
24 | PLETHORA | an over amount; an excess |
25 | POIGNANT | affecting: arousing emotion |
26 | QUINTESSENTIAL | representing the perfect example |
27 | REBUKE | an act or expression of criticism |
28 | RECTIFY | set straight or correct |
29 | REFUTE | overthrow by argument, evidence, or proof |
30 | SATURATE (NO H2O) | To fill completely, fill to capacity. |
1 | Abstruse | Adj. | Difficult to understand |
2 | Blight | Noun | Decay, disease, widespread death |
3 | Caustic | Adj. | Burning, either with chemicals or sarcasm |
4 | Deference | Noun | The act of yielding to someone out of respect |
5 | Eloquence | N/Adj… | Speech that is powerfully effective |
6 | Flagrant | Adj. | Openly and obviously evil; glaring; conspicuous |
7 | Garrulous | Adj. | Very talkative; loquacious |
8 | Harangue | N/V | A long, lecturing “speech”; to lecture or rant |
9 | Inchoate | Adj. | Not yet fully developed |
10 | Jocular | Adj. | Joking, playful, jesting, witty |
11 | Lament | V/N | To express sorrow; to complain… An expression of… |
12 | Malefactor | Noun | Person who tries to hurt others; a criminal |
13 | Nullify | Verb | To remove or cancel all value or force; to negate |
14 | Onerous | Adj. | Burdensome; oppressive |
15 | Penury | Noun | Extreme poverty or destitution |
16 | Recondite | Adj. | Hidden; difficult to understand; profound |
17 | Sonorous | Adj. | Loud; full in sound; booming |
18 | Torpid | Adj. | Sluggish; dull; lacking enthusiasm |
19 | Undulate | Verb | To move in a waving manner |
20 | Virulent | Adj. | Poisonous or destructive; filled with hate; harsh |
21 | Wastrel | Noun | A person who wastes his money or resources |
22 | Affable | Adj. | Friendly; easygoing |
23 | Bumptious | Adj. | Pushy; obnoxiously self-assertive |
24 | Cloister | N/V | A place of seclusion; to seclude or isolate |
25 | Decadence | N/Adj… | A moral decay or decline; declining in morals |
26 | Enmity | Noun | Mutual hatred |
27 | Fallacious | Adj. | False, Misleading |
28 | Germane | Adj. | Relevant or fitting |
29 | Homage | Noun | Respect paid to someone/thing; a tribute or honor |
30 | Incorrigible | Adj. | Impossible to correct, control or discipline |
1 | Adroit | Adj | Skillful in the use of the hands, or in handling difficult situations |
2 | Benign | Adj | Gentle; kind-hearted; mild |
3 | Capitulate | Verb | Surrender; yield |
4 | Desultory | Adj | Lacking a plan; aimless |
5 | Evasive | Adj | Tending to avoid giving direct answers |
6 | Gravity | Noun | Seriousness |
7 | Hamper | Verb | Interfere with |
8 | Harbor | Verb | To provide shelter or refuge; hide |
9 | Impasse | Noun | A situation from which you cannot escape; stalemate |
10 | Infiltrate | Verb | Penetrate by passing through gaps; enter secretly and become established, such as a spy might do in an enemy organization |
11 | Intractable | Adj | Stubborn; immovable |
12 | Juncture | Noun | Point in time, especially a crucial one; joint or connection |
13 | Languish | Verb | Lose energy or motivation; become weak or depressed |
14 | Latent | Adj | Existing but inactive, such as a certain quality; dormant or still; invisible |
15 | Malleable | Adj | Able to be reshaped by force; pliable; impressionable |
16 | Nostalgic | Adj | Wishing for a return to the way things used to be; longing for the past; homesick |
17 | Obtuse | Adj | Dull; blunt; unintelligent; lacking sharpness |
18 | Pecuniary | Adj | Having to do with money; financial |
19 | Ponderous | Adj | Slow; weighty; labored |
20 | Prevalent | Adj | Widely-accepted; common; prevailing |
21 | Qualify | Verb | To limit the meaning of a previous statement; to modify |
22 | Recant | Verb | Take back something you’ve said; withdraw a statement or belief |
23 | Specious | Adj | Having a false or misleading appearance; seemingly true, but actually false |
24 | Symmetry | Noun | Balance; having a similar appearance on all sides |
25 | Tantamount | Adj | Equal; comparable |
26 | Undermine | Verb | To weaken by wearing away the foundation; to sabotage |
27 | Vacuous | Adj | Empty; stupid; purposeless |
28 | Wane | Verb | Grow gradually smaller |
29 | Wax | Verb | Grow gradually larger |
30 | Zenith | Noun | The highest point; apex |
1 | APATHY | Noun | Lack of interest or concern |
2 | APPEASE | Verb | To calm or pacify |
3 | ARBITRARY | Adj. | Selected by random choice and without solid reason |
4 | AUDACIOUS | Adj. | Brazen; brash; nervy |
5 | AUSPICIOUS | Adj. | Taking place under promising conditions… |
6 | BOLSTER | Verb | To support; to reinforce |
7 | CONDONE | Verb | To overlook, excuse, or pardon |
8 | CONTINGENT | Adj. | Dependent upon other circumstances; conditional |
9 | CONTRITE | Adj. | Sorry; penitent |
10 | CURSORY | Adj. | Quickly and incompletely done; superficial |
11 | DENOUNCE | Verb | To criticize; condemn |
12 | DERIDE | Verb | To make fun of; ridicule |
13 | DIATRIBE | Noun | A bitterly critical speech |
14 | DISDAIN | Noun | A feeling of scorn or contempt |
15 | DISPARAGE | Verb | To say negative things; belittle |
16 | ECLECTIC | Adj. | Choosing from many different sources… |
17 | EMULATE | Verb | To imitate |
18 | EPHEMERAL | Adj. | Temporary; short-lived |
19 | EXTRICATE | Verb | To free from a trap or difficult situation… |
20 | FOMENT | Verb | To stir into action; rouse; incite |
21 | FUTILE | Adj. | Hopelessly ineffective; useless; in vain |
22 | HAPHAZARD | Adj. | Without plan or direction |
23 | HOMOGENEOUS | Adj. | The same throughout; consistent; uniform |
24 | IMPAIR | Verb | To weaken in strength or value |
25 | IMPEDE | Verb | To get in the way; hinder |
26 | IMPETUOUS | Adj. | Making quick decisions and taking sudden action |
27 | INCESSANT | Adj. | Continuous; endless |
28 | INDUCE | Verb | To cause to happen; bring about |
29 | INNOCUOUS | Adj. | Harmless; inoffensive |
30 | LOATH | Adj. | Reluctant; unwilling (Not the word “loathe”) |
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